About Us
Just. Noticeably. Different. Service. Founded in 2003, JNDS Computer Sales offers affordable onsite Computer Repair and Networking Services reliably to areas around Yonkers and New York City. We will come to your home or office.
We Specialize In
Our Pledge To Customers
We will give you a professional experience.
We will give you a feeling of confidence in choosing us.
We will give you a noticeably different service!
Just. Noticeably. Different. Service. Founded in 2003, JNDS Computer Sales offers affordable onsite Computer Repair and Networking Services reliably to areas around Yonkers and New York City. We will come to your home or office.
We Specialize In
- Available (10 AM - 6 PM)
- Reserved Evening Appointments (7 PM - 10 PM)
- Maintenance Packages
- FIOS and Cable Internet Setup (Home or Office)
- Wireless Networks (Home or Office)
- The Sale of New and Used Computers/Parts
- Custom Built Computers for Gaming/Data Storage
- PCI Compliant Info Available Upon Request - We Accept Paypal & Chip Card Payments
Our Pledge To Customers
We will give you a professional experience.
We will give you a feeling of confidence in choosing us.
We will give you a noticeably different service!